Off To Chalet
18 March, 2007 by malcolm-
My very first post at my very new blog. But it'll also be the last post for this entire week. I'm off to chalet @ tekong! Yup, getting enlisted first thing in the morning tmr. And guess wad? I received my enlistment call (not letter) just 11 days ago! Tok about sudden surge in effectiveness.
So here i am procastinating my packing (there isn't much actually) and testing out my new blog and how this Picasa thingy works with blogger. Think its quite cool, but still gotta figure out how to use it right.
Picture of Gaga on a Nissan headlight @ Marina South.

This is supposed to be a picture for Conceptual Photography, with a theme of Body. So go figure out wad it is.
Note: If u dont like the pic or dont get wad it's trying to show, u r too shallow. Conceptual photography is more than a snapshot. HA!
So here i am procastinating my packing (there isn't much actually) and testing out my new blog and how this Picasa thingy works with blogger. Think its quite cool, but still gotta figure out how to use it right.
Picture of Gaga on a Nissan headlight @ Marina South.

This is supposed to be a picture for Conceptual Photography, with a theme of Body. So go figure out wad it is.
Note: If u dont like the pic or dont get wad it's trying to show, u r too shallow. Conceptual photography is more than a snapshot. HA!